Monday, November 2, 2015

Here I go again on my own.

If you can tell me where my title came from, I'll give you a gold star. 

It's been over a year since my last post. I figured it was time to change it. I'm sitting in the middle seat on a 737 coming back from a weekend in Houston and I have plenty of time to think and write. A lot has changed in this past year. I mean, A LOT HAS CHANGED. 

For starters, I graduated from WTAMU with two degrees. One in Mass Communications and the other in Education with a teacher certification for EC - 6. A whole five years for an expensive piece of paper. But by golly, I am dang proud of that paper! I worked my tail off and successfully had dreams come true. 

I've also moved to Arlington and began working for the National Association of Church Design Builders or NACDB because we have the longest name in history. My official title is Administrator but I'm wearing about 13 different hats and doing so much more. I've also began working for a realtor on the side to do some social media. I also tutor a high school freshmen in all subjects.

Many of you already know all of these things but I thought it was time to update others on my whereabouts and my life. 

These past 6 months...WAIT WHAT? 6 months? I find it incredibly hard to believe that I have been living in the big city for 6 months. Some days it feel like I've been here for all of my life and then other days it feels like I just moved. It's been a crazy 6 months but I have loved every minute of it. 

I'll be honest. There were a few times when I thought I couldn't do it. It was extremely hard to be all alone in a new place. I had g gotten plugged into my church yet and thought my world was ending. I took a big risk when I moved. I left everything and everyone behind to pursue my dream. Part of that dream has come true; the other part of still in progress and will be for a long time. I was asked recently if I regret leaving Canyon...HECK NO. Let me clarify, I absolutely love Canyon and every person there. It was a perfect five years there but now, it's on to bigger things. I've been single for quite sometime (still am single) and thought this opportunity was perfect. I'm not tied down to anyone or have to worry about taking care of another person. I've always been independent and a do it on my own kind of girl, that has really been put to the test down here.

But, when you get to Globe Life Park every single day for work it makes the transition easier. I've found a great church that has a perfect group for kids my age. I still don't like the word adult. I don't feel like one, so I refuse to be called one. 

Each day is a brand new adventure and I don't know what it will hold, but I look forward to what it has to bring. 

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